There's some maths behind this one! The idea here is that there are exactly 6 ways to permute 3 elements, and each of the cable represents one of these two permutations.
We can describe a permutation by writing down what it does to the elements 1, 2 and 3 - so the two cables on the front represent (1, 3, 2) and (2, 1, 3).
The ones on the back are slightly more complex - these ones represent (2, 3, 1) and (3, 1, 2), but in these cases you've got one element moving two places, which distorts the knitting a little more, so I've broken these into two steps each containing a single crossing.

You could go much further with this too! These permutations are at the heart of bell-ringing, although taken much further - for example here. I love the intricate patterns this gives, but I would be wary of doing this with intarsia cables - as much as I love the colours, this ends up with the yarn getting crossed and needing to be constantly untangled. Still, imagine that beautiful scarf with rainbows weaving together!