The Cthulhu mittens have been languishing in the sewing up phase for far too long now- I'd finished the first one, finished the second one, decided the first one needed the seams redoing, and got half way through taking it apart, but hadn't got around to putting it back together.
I decided they'd make a good birthday present for my little brother, which added a little more urgency to matters, and they finally got done today. A little late, but hey. So here they are in all their runic glory.
I didn't get around to duplicate stitching the red highlights I was thinking of adding, which is a bit of a shame. I'm not sure if they'd've worked, but I would have liked to try it and see.

I think the seams on the two mittens don't quite match up, the top of the right one seems slightly rounder to me. I think that might be because I started sewing at the top on that one and on the bottom on the other. Hopefully that doesn't show too much. I'm also a little concerned that with the seams placed as they are the mittens don't quite lie flat when you take them off, the seams aren't quite at the sides.
Still, I'm very happy with them- hope little brother is too!
Ooohhh... I need this pattern pleeeaasssseeeee. Must make these....
(By the way, they're AWESOME)
So I was showing my husband Ravelry, and of course he searched for Chthulu and Lovecraft, and up popped your mittens. We were both very impressed. Fabulous! Do I have to say that he wants a set? Would you please send along the pattern? Thanks!
...that is totally the best knitted representation of the Elder Sign I've ever seen. I'd really love to have the pattern, if you wouldn't mind sending it my way?
Very very very awesome. The mittens are gorgeous (and I really like the colors) but I just grin at the elder sign. My room mate made me up fingerless gloves with the two different elder signs worked into a pattern but I like yours.
Awww, thank you, people! :o)
I just had a couple of corrections I needed to make, but having (finally) got round to that, now will see if I can make email work...
Happy knitting!
Oh, please, can you please send this pattern my way? My Keeper -needs- a pair of these mittens, especially sine she's running our game right now through email!
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