First we have prototype-Beelzenef! This was knitting in the round, all in one piece on dpns. I haven't used them for a while, but I'm loving dpns just now. Niftily, he has almost no seams.

Then we have the final Beelzenef. This one is much bigger, and made with thicker wool He was knitting flat to allow me to use intarsia for the eyes and mouth. I'm not entirely happy with how the eyes turned out - I intarsed white patches and sewed on black outlines afterwards, but because the intarsia patches are quite blocky the two don't exactly match up, which I think makes it look a little scruffy. Hopefully that only shows if you're looking closely.
Another problem is that he doesn't quite bend like the prototype, so it was difficult to gesture with him. I suspect the (accidentally) untwisted make stitches on the prototype helped with this, giving it more of a crease to fold along. Possibly the thicker wool contributed to this too. Or perhaps the arms need to be placed more at the front? I guess I'll need to experiment more, which is good, because I had a lot of fun making these :).

In the meantime, here's Beelzenef as part of the full Nekozawa costume:
oh my god! you look just like him hehe, you're very nice looking. I'll be cosplaying for the first time next month and I'm both thrilled and nervous. It seems so fun though!
Well thank you :o) Actually the picture isn't me, I don't cosplay on the grounds that people might look at me :op
You look really good! Wah.. I'm trying to make a big Beelzenef costume, that I can walk around in (or.. buy one >_<) But I'm not sure how TT_TT I think it's gonna end up big and floppy, or I'll have to make some kind of skeleton cage O_O
A full size Beelzenef costume? That'd be terrifying! Would you keep the proportions, with the face, like, two thirds of the way up?
Uh... Where'd you get the design (or whatever it's called) for the Nekozawa cloak? I plan on cosplaying as him for something coming up uin the next few months and I've been looking for one taht looks just like the one he wears so I can make it.......
Heh, that would be me in that picture, the design of the robe is something my mother helped me with that, we had to take a combination of things from her different costume books and re-arrange them to fit Nekozawa's outfit.
We may have the edited designs lurking somewhere in the house, if I can find a way to digitise it and upload it I will post here. ^_^
I still need to get my hands on an Ouran school uniform to wear under it though. Heh
Neat! Hmm... May I make a suggestion for the uniform? Thrift Store.That's what I'm doing. I already have the right slacks and shoes from a previous cosplay. Just need to find a light blue jacket and then find a way to make the school emblem to put on it... But yeah... Just find the clothes at a thrift store and then sew together an emblem-patch-thingy and sew it on XD
Hehe, actually I have seen a supposedly official Ouran patch on eBay lurking about the place, apart from that yeah, thrift stores and what-not would be best for finding the blazers and stuff.
I have a guy's Japanese uniform jacket which I was able to get from Japan 'cause my dad has a friend from Japan who brought it for me, cost 90 pounds though. ;-;
90 pounds? Uh... That's about, what, $167...? NEWay, that's cool! ^,^-
Yeah, the stuff is expensive as hell, he said that Japanese parents spoil their children. -__-
It is awesome though. I will have to post pictures of it sometime.
Maybe I should start a blog....
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